
Showing posts from July, 2015

The Elements, Part 2

(This is part two of an ongoing discussion of the elements.)             While you will not be using it yet, it is good to know where you are working towards. So, I have included some examples of situations that you would use elemental energies for.  Earth: Grounding and centering; finances; living arrangements; job stability. Air: Communication; negotiations; school; studying; travel; healing. Water: Dealing with emotions such as grief; love; relationships; making peace. Fire: Beginnings, commitment to see something through; new ventures; guidance, especially spiritual. This is obviously by no means a completed list. There are many, many more uses. This is just meant as an example.              The elements are found throughout ceremonial magic. With regard to the Kabalah and the Tree of Life, the four physical elements can be found in Malkuth...

The Elements, Part 1

This is the first in a series of posts exploring the elements as used in magical practices. There are four classical elements. These are Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Now, it is important not to confuse these with the actual physical elements, of which there are many. Rather, these are forces that work in conjunction to produce creation, manifest and unmanifest. There is also a fifth element, that being Spirit, but discussion about it will be at another time.      These four elements represent the basic attributes given by man to his surroundings. They are based on tactical sensations. When a physical object is touched, there are many sensations. For example, is it painful, flexible, solid, wet, hot, etc.? In discussing the elements we draw upon the sensations of temperature (hot or cold) and moisture (wet or dry). These are fundamental to the understanding of the elements. Simply put, the forces of temperature and moisture interplay to form the forces of...