Magical Imagination, Part 1
(This is the first part of a two part post.) Imagination is a very powerful tool in our magical workings. It is also often misunderstood. Imagination can be easily confused with fantasy and, therefore, rendered ineffective. Even though it is a powerful tool, it is not the only tool and we can not just use the imagination. It must work with others as well. This evening we will be looking at the imagination as a tool, how it differs from fantasy and how we can use it in our magical practice. So what exactly is the imagination? What does it do and how can we use it? Well, obviously, imagination is a function of the mind. It is a creative aspect that allows us to produce amazing things. Anything and everything ever created ha first been created in the mind. That is a very powerful and magical statement. Everything from the computer or electronic device you are reading this on, to the chair you are sitting in, to the clothes you wear, to the wheel that evolved into the ...