How to Get the Most Out of Your Reading, Part 2
Step 2: The Question Now we come to one of the most important parts of the reading: Your question. Really, without the question there is no way to control what information you are getting, and it can make it very difficult on the reader. Furthermore, it greatly reduces the opportunity for you to get anything useful out of the reading. It has been said that with the right question, the reading and the answer is obvious. I have found this to be true. So, let’s look at some of the aspects of a good question. First, lets look at the nature of your question. The more specific your question the better. General questions result in general answers, so the more specific your question the better the answers will be. Specific questions can include focusing on one topic, or even focusing on one aspect of that topic. It is generally better to do a couple of focused readings on different aspects than one general reading on a broad topic. The cards, like all magical practices, operate dir...