Interpreting Your Dreams
Dream interpretation is something that is commonly asked about. The truth of the matter is that dream interpretation is something that you must learn to do for yourself. No other person or book can interpret what is going on in your dreams but you. Now, others can help you figure it out, as this article will intend to do. But, things like books or people that tell you what your dreams mean based off of their interpretation are completely useless. To understand why, we must first look at the mind and what dreams really are. Your mind takes in a vast amount of information every second. Every nerve in your body is constantly sending data to your brain. Also, your conscious mind is creating thoughts and sending them to your subconscious as well. Now, most of this data we are not consciously aware of. If we were aware of all of it we would soon overload. All of this data is stored by the subconscious for processing. We will look at the actual process of going over the data and ke...