Energy Work in Ritual

Ritual practice is a very powerful and effective form of energy work. It makes the energy easy to access, easy to use and is able to tap into other fonts of energy that have already been directed by both the practitioner and those that have come before him or her. Rituals usually involve many of the same energy building techniques employed in spell work, including breathing exercises, movement and visualization. These are energetic “currents” if you will and are built up by the practitioner over time. 

To explain further, let me use the example of creating a talisman for a specific purpose. Of course, many people do this by simply finding something and directing energy into it for the purpose intended and that can be effective. Say you spend an hour building your energy, reciting the spell and putting the energy into it. This is a very common, simple and quick method. But what could you do to make it more effective?

To start with, let’s say that you decide rather than finding a natural object and charging it that you choose to design a specific object for the talisman. Let’s say that you have already got the specific purpose in mind. Then you research the symbolism that you are going to use on it. This could include divine names, spiritual beings, sigils, control phrases written in obscure languages and the like. All of this takes several hours to do. During this time, you are thinking about the purpose, and we know that “where awareness goes, energy flows”. Therefore, you are already building the current of energy to the purpose. 

Next you actually craft the item. You have already researched the specific day and hour for the correct energetic influences. You have found the correct materials that are in harmony with the purpose. Maybe they are specific metals or woods, maybe specific colors of paint to inscribe your designs on the items. It could be as simple as the correct color paper and markers. Either way, you are tapping into the energy of these items, combining the energies with the particular time and day energies, and focusing all of that to your purpose. 

Now comes the time for the actual ritual. This is where things get fun! You start off opening your magical workspace with the cleansing, purifying and energy raising techniques that you always use. Because you have already used them and established their power and effect, you can easily tap into that energy. If you are doing it in the style or structure of a particular school, temple, order or coven you are connecting to a current of energy that has been used and strengthened by its members since its founding. That means the energy of all the people that used that opening have helped shape it to something that is easily usable by you. You connect to this energy and begin to focus it to the specific purpose. 

You continue, calling upon specific deities, spiritual beings and the like for assistance. These images and entities have been energized and strengthened by followers for countless years. All of that energy is able to be borrowed and focused to the purpose. Of course, the entity that you are calling upon must be in harmony with the purpose, but you know that it is because you have done your research. Through the images and connection of these beings you are able to tap into even deeper currents of energy to focus to your purpose. 

Armed with all of this energy, directed to your purpose and intent, you begin to actually charge the talisman. You specifically charge each individual symbol, dedicating it to the purpose of the working. When you have completed this, you direct even more energy into it, seeing and feeling the divine Light flow through the images of divine beings and spiritual entities to your purpose. You continue, chanting and calling upon the forces that you are directing: planetary energies, zodiacal energies, elemental energies, all bent toward your purpose. 

Finally, your talisman is charged. It pulses with an energy and life of its own. It is strong and caries with it the intention of Will along with the energy of the entities and forces called upon. But also, it has the energy of the research, the creation and all the other steps all directed toward your goal. Many hours, perhaps days, have gone into the creation and charging of this talisman. You wrap it in fine linen and perform the closing of your work space, dismissing any residual energy and thinking all the forces called upon.

This process is more than just a simple spell. It is a combination of many methods of energy work, physical and spiritual, all focused toward your goal. This is, in essence, the energy work of ritual magic.


  1. I love how you have perfectly put into words what I've been thinking, plus giving some extra insight. Thank you, love your articles, keep up the good work! ��❤️


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