Magical Imagination, part 2
(Part two of a two part post.)
So, how do we use our imagination? Well, we create an image
with it. We empower it and we allow it to become reality. And, provided that it
does not go against the reality created by the higher imagination, it does. We
are co-creators of reality. Now, there is something important I need you to
understand. It is entirely possible that your creation will exist only in your
reality. That is, your vision of reality. To expand, allow me to share a
concept from NLP. It states that “The map is not the place.” We do not know
exactly what reality is. We know what the sensory organs in us pick up,
translate into electrochemical impulses, and then what is translated in the 3.5
pounds of grey matter between our ears. This creates an image in our mind of
what reality is, but that image is not reality just like a picture of a flower
is not a flower. Now, it is the reality that we have to work with. Often, when
we “create” something, it is in our “map” or reality and not in reality itself.
We still have to work with it as though it is reality, but that does not mean
that it is reality for everyone.
Some people create a reality for themselves that causes them
to become trapped in delusion, psychosis and other things. That is not to say
that all mentally ill people are so because of their own making, but we can
also not say that none of them did it to themselves. If we create a limiting
reality for ourselves, reinforce it over years and put our emotions into it,
then it will become our reality and we will be trapped in it until we change
it. Magically, this is the megalomaniac who puts himself at the center of
everything in an attempt to bolster his own importance at the expense of
others. It is the cult leader that gives out information without truly
understanding it. It is the person so convinced that their “reality” is true
that they follow it blindly. This is as true for the teenager who thinks she is
a vampire to the Christian sitting in church every Sunday, following blindly.
So, we take that image that we have created and we make it
our reality. Hopefully it is a good one. But what is the process for that?
Well, magically, the imagination must be empowered by the Will. This is
different from willpower, which is a more modern concept. It is a combination
of our focus, our emotional desire and our intent. For centuries, magical
practitioners have used a simple method of doing this, and it is very
effective. I will describe it below.
1 Sit in a chair. Make sure your arms and legs are not crossed and relax as deeply as possible.
2 Think of a clear image of what you want. Build it as intensely as possible. Think of the color it is. If it is a physical thing, work out what it feels like, smells like, tastes like, or sounds like. Take your time over this stage because the clearer the image is, the more likely you are to get it to manifest.
3 Next, you have to stimulate your desire for the object. All else has to be put aside: at this moment all you can want is the object.
4 Visualize yourself as clearly as possible getting the object. Visualize a scene with you owning the object and then another with you owning the object in the past, as if you already possessed it.
If you did this to get something tangible, such as a book,
you would visualize the cover of the book in as much detail as possible. You
would feel the book in your hands, smell that new book smell, hear the pages
turn as you open it. You would see your name on a nameplate in the front. See
and feel yourself putting the book on your bookshelf. Then, think about the
book as if it were already on the shelf. If this were something less tangible,
such as a new job, you would see yourself at the job. See it in as much detail
as possible: your workspace, the tools or implements you would be using, your
co-workers around you. Hear what they are saying around you and too you. Feel
your fingers as they work, doing whatever the work is that you would do. Smell
any smells that would be around you. Shut your eyes and imagine in as much
detail as possible actually working there.
The last step is vital to your success. It anchors your
visualization to the present. Remember, your mind is super literal. If you
visualize that you are going to be getting a job you will always be close but
never there. You have to set it as if it a fact that is already there. Your
mind will give you EXACTLY what you ask for. If you ask that things get better
in the future it will always be “in the future” and never here and now.
Once you are good at visualizing like this, and you will
need to practice at it, then you need to gain some success at it. Try an
experiment. Do this process with the object of having a $5 bill in your hand
within a month. It must come from an unexpected source beyond your control. The
reason you must start small is because larger things will trigger your own
self-doubt and psychological blocks. Start small to prove to yourself that it
works. Many people suffer from the belief that they do not deserve to be
wealthy or can never be wealthy. This attitude and belief must be eliminated,
and the best way to do that is through proof.
One more thing. Write down your results. Actually get a book
specifically for that and keep a record. Not only does this record your journey
but it helps to solidify your results into your mind in a way that typing or
recording does not do. If you want to make changes or see results write them
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